Petróleos de Venezuela PDVSA
Maracaibo's Lake, Zulia State, Venezuela
}else {>Description
This project involves the adjustment of LM-20 Production manifold; exploitation unit Lagunillas Lago, whose current processing capacity, does not meet de requirements of Petroleos de Venezuela.
Incostas developed the engineering for the expansion and conversion of this manifold to a Flow Station, by adding two (2) new platforms adjacent to the current one. These platforms, will count with reception and splitting equipment multiples, compensation tanks, transfer pumps, effluent management system, electricity and instrumentation equipment, among others.
According with the developed design, the flow station will have the capacity to process 20 thousand barrels per day of crude and 50 millions cubic feet of standard per day of gas, sending the crude to the yard of Lagunillas Lago.
Redefinition of the Basic Engineering process in order to adjust the original design to the new capacity processes requirements (20 MBPD of crude and 50 MMPCED of gas). Detail Engineering, associated to the civil, mechanical, electricity and instrumentation works, required for the construction and implementation of the EF-LM-20.
The products delivered in this project were: suspended structure for the installation of the drainage system. Gateways for the access to the valve operation. Pipeline supports. Gas/crude splitting system. Crude transference system. Drainage system. Relieve and depressurization system for facility. Pipeline arrangements for equipment interconnection. Electric sub-station. Ground system and protection against atmospheric discharges. Integral automation. Fire detection system. Electricity and instrumentation raceway.