Environmental Impact Assessment, Araya

Araya's Peninsula, Sucre State, Venezuela
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The Environmental Impact Study project carried out in Araya by Incostas was promoted by the Instituto Nacional de los Espacios Acuáticos, (INEA) along with other government institutions. The project was the development of a Deep Water Port in the vicinity of Manicuare, Araya peninsula, Edo. Sucre. This port allows the handling of the cargo that has origin and destination in the basic companies of the CVG located in the Bolivar State, as well as the zone of influence of the east and south of Venezuela.
As part of the studies carried out to configure a feasible engineering proposal that will guarantee the development of this important project, the compilation and collection of useful environmental information was required, both for the design and construction phase and for the partner management phase. environmental of the same. In particular, emphasis was placed on information on the marine environment in the Manicuare area and in the Gulf of Cariaco, seeking to obtain information that would support solid arguments regarding the benefits or environmental importance of the project.
For this study, the area of influence on the natural physical environment and on the socio-economic and cultural environment were considered. In addition to this, the characterization of the physical environment was carried out, through meteorology, geology, geomorphology, outcrops in the project area, soils, seismicity, hydrology, oceanographic aspects, marine water quality, and sediment quality.
The characterization of the biological environment was also carried out, analyzing the terrestrial environment and the marine environment. And finally, the characterization of the socioeconomic environment was carried out, in the political-administrative context and characteristics of the regional environment. Also, demographic and service infrastructure aspects, population center system and spatial functionality relationships, economic activities, institutional presence in the area, land uses were taken into account.