Wellhead Platform Float Over Installation

Golfo de Paria, Sucre State, Venezuela
The Wellhead Platform consists of a Jacket-type support sub-structure, weighing approximately 450 metric tons and fixed to the seabed with six (6) driven steel piles, 60-in diameter and variable wall thickness (from 1 in to 2.5 in), and deck facilities, 3,500-metric-ton approximate weight, installed over the Jacket.
The deck was originally designed to be installed with a single-point lifting by barge-based cranes; however due to the lack of floating cranes capable of performing such an installation and cost of the method, surpassing the original budget figures, Conoco-Phillips contracted a feasibility study for the installation of the superstructures with the Floatover technique. As a result, technical and economic feasibility and applicability of the Floatover Deck Mating were demonstrated, basic and detail engineering developed afterwards and the deck installation was successfully performed.